Behavioral Health

  • Member Assistance Program (MAP)

    This a free confidential counseling and referral service to help you assess a variety of personal problems and suggest ways to resolve them. The MAP can help you and your family with all types of personal, emotional, work and family matters, including marital or family problems, childcare and elder-care, alcohol and/or substance abuse, emotional problems, depression, anxiety and stress, job dissatisfaction, family illness, and financial or legal concerns.

    You can access the MAP by phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, free of charge. A MAP Care Manager will take your call, discuss the situation, and refer you to helpful resources in your community. If the MAP refers you to a local MAP counselor for in-office counseling, your first 6 visits will cost you nothing.

    SPD link

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Network

    For behavioral health and substance use disorder services, LINECO has an agreement with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Network, a nationwide network of behavioral health hospitals, treatment facilities, doctors and professional behavioral health practitioners. Call 800-810-2583 to find a Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider.

    You can save money by using providers in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Network. Your benefits for treatment of substance use disorders and mental or nervous disorders will be paid under the In-Network Schedule if the facility or counselor providing the treatment is a member of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Network.

    If you receive treatment from a facility or behavioral health practitioner who is NOT in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Network, your benefits will be paid under the Out-of-Network Schedule.

    SPD link

  • Pre-Certification

    Pre-certification by LINECO's Personal Health Nurse is not required for regular outpatient and office visits for behavioral health/substance use disorder treatment. However:

    • You can and should continue to use the Carelon Member Assistance Program (MAP) for FREE visits and referrals. Remember, you must contact Carelon at 1-800-332-2191 before you see a counselor or psychiatrist in order to use your MAP benefits.
    • If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield provide referrals for your outpatient/office treatment, you can be sure you receive the higher in-network benefits.

    Precertification by LINECO's Personal Health Nurse is required for inpatient, residential, and partial inpatient programs. Call 1-800-323-7268 to precertify.

    Call 1-800-323-7268 for precertification of inpatient behavioral health & substance use disorder services.

  • Benefits

    In general, as of January 1, 2012, benefits for behavioral health and substance use disorder services are paid at the same benefit levels as the Comprehensive Major Medical Program.

    See the Medical Schedule of Benefits for more.